
The Sharingan is the Kekkei Genkai of the Uchiha clan and one of the three major Dou-jutsu , the other two are the Byakugan and the Rin'negan . Together with the Byakugan, it is one of the two major Dou-jutsu, in Konohagakure are available.


Hitokugutsu are dolls that were made ​​of people. Only Sasori knows how to do that. However, one thing is certain: There seems to be a very bloody Angelgenheit.

Kairai Engeki: Kurohigi Kiki Nihatsu

Kairai Engeki: Kurohigi Kiki Nihatsu is a Nin-jutsu , which of Kankuro is used. He needs his puppets Karasu and Kuroari .


Karasu was originally created by Sasori built. It is Kankuros primary doll . He used together with Kuroari and Sanshouuo in its struggles. Each of his limbs (arms, legs, head, etc.) is a weapon in itself.


Kuroari (黒蚁) (Engl. black ant) is Kankuros second doll , which was originally built to catch the opponent in it.


Sanshouuo (山椒鱼) is Kankuros third doll . The doll has the form of a long salamander.

Tensei no Jutsu

The most powerful technique to restore life I ever was seen in the manga. Nagato summons a huge statue which has been closed all the souls of the people killed by him, and then opens the door.